General information
Getting there
Visas and permits
Mt. Elbrus ascent


Elbrus, the highest summit of Europe



The new Millenium. A special moment in time calls for a special moment in a persons life, which perhaps is the reason we have guided so many people to the roof of Europe (Mount Elbrus) this year. 36 out of 42 clients succeded in reaching the summit even though the weather and conditions were against us. We had landslides in Tymauz just 30 kilometers away.

The slides above are of the Barrel Shelters at the end of the cable way (3800 m). Each barrel has a lobby, cooking area, and four bunks. These barrels are used as a basecamp for a summit bid instead of the burnt Priyut of 11th.

The Barrels basecamp
Iskhak Tilov at the barrels Iskhak Tilov, native Balkarian, a veteran of Elbrus, the first downhill ski champion of the Soviet Union who has been managing the barrels since 1953 and now is our Mt.Elbrus Program Supervisor.
To make life easier and more convenient for skiers (and even climbers!) there is a snowcat track. There are commercial rides to the Pastukhov Rocks (from 3800 m to 4800 m), which would facilitate mt.Elbrus ascents. The snowcat going up to the Pastukhov Rocks
The spot of the Priyut of 11th and the top of Elbrus behindRuins of the Priyut and the roof of the new shelter behind
One and a half hours walk from the barrels are the ruins of the Priyut of 11th. The descision about the reconstruction of this unique shelter at 4200 m is still being considered by the local authorities. However, next door a private shelter has been built and will be run comercially next year.
About 400 m to the right from the Priyut of 11th there is another very small shelter used by local mountain rescue team. It has a funny look but still can be used for emergency. Local rescue team shelter at 4200 m
Sultan and clients, June 2000 The first Wild Russia clients of the Year 2000 and Sultan a guide and mountain rescue team member on the way to the summit.

Wild Russia / Neizvedanny Mir Company
Saint Petersburg, Fontanka embankment, 59

+7 812 703-3215

+7 812 703-3216

+7 812 703-3249

