A visa is required for entry into Russia. You need to obtain a visa
application form from the Russian Embassy.
must be completed and submitted together with:
•Your itinerary.
•An invitation.
•Three photographs - signed and dated on the back.
•A copy of your air ticket.
•Your passport.
•Details of your insurance cover.
appropriate fee (the more quickly you want it processed the more
it costs).
The letter of invitation to Russia is provided as the
part of our Elbrus package.
take care of all the necessary paperwork for your Elbrus trip, but
here is some information for your reference:
are required:
The Elbrus Region is a border zone between Russia and Georgia and
foreigners require a permit to be in any area south of the Baksan.
This is obtained at the military head office of the border rangers
in Nalchik. You should also be registered at their local posts:
in the Baksan valley at the Alpine Base Baksan; in the Adyrsu valley
near the Alpine Camp Ullutau.
in Nalchik issues permits at Kabardinskaya street 192. Passes are
issued between 9.00 and 13.00. if you want to have a go make sure
you have the following documents:
a stamped letter of application from an MFA approved company;
- passports of all participants;
- a route sheet.
This sounds easy but Russian bureaucracy will probably force you
to stay in Nalchik for a few days if you try it as a foreigner.
It is best to do it through an agency.
Prielbrusie National Park permit. No strict system exists for obtaining
this permit. Prices are negotiable. Park offices are located in
Elbrus village.
Foreigners have to be registered in OVIR (Visa and Registration
department) in Tyrnyauz. Generally hotels arrange registration.
Last year the "official" fee was $2 per person. If OVIR
officials catch an unregistered climber the fine can be very high
- but negotiable.