There are 5-6 daily flights going from Moscow and 3 morning and
2 afternoon flights a week from St. Petersburg to Mineralnye Vody
airport. It is recommended to choose the morning flights, to arrive
to Minearlnye Vody as early as possible. The regular ride takes
about 4 hours. In the evening time there are more security patrols
in the valley, so the transfer would take much longer. If you arrive
with the late afternoon flight, it is recommended to stay in Pyatigorsk
overnight and depart to Baksan valley in the morning. Pyatigorsk
is a lovely place and it offers numerous opportunities for the tourists.
is recommended to have the pre-arranged transfer to Baksan valley,
but if you don't, one can still get a ride at the airport. There
are plenty of gipsy cabs there. This is a way to make the living
for the locals, so the ride is basically safe, but you should still
be extremely careful when you do this. The price for the transfer
is 2000-4000 rur (30-70 USD). You may want to share the ride with
the other travelers going to the same destination to break the cost.