Crossing the river at Kamchatka.

About Wild Russia


Yegor Churakov
have been guiding "WR" expeditions since 1992, worked as a mountain guide for the British Army Himalayan project, "Mountain Madness" expeditions on mt.Elbrus, led many trekking and wild life expeditions in Yakutia, Central Siberian mountains, Central Asia, the Lake Baikal, Mongolia and Kamchatka, Nepal Himalaya, Ladakh, Peru, Argentina, Kilimanjaro, Sikkim and Garwal Himalaya. He is the director of international operations and works in St.Petersburg office.
Yegor Churakov


Vladimir has just finished the climb of Gebler's icefall, Altay mountains Vlady Stolyarov,
a professional photographer since 1992 he joined the Union of Russian Photo Artists but first he became the member of the Russian Geographic Society. Vlady graduated the Mining Institute of St.Petersburg and took part in many expeditions on the Caucasus, Tien-Shan, the Altai, the Sayan, Kodar Mountain Range, Spitzbergen, Under-Polar Urals and archeologocal excavations in the Crimea.. He works in the office of "WR" in St.Petersburg.


Oleg Babushka

Oleg (he is in the center of the photo) has been travelling a lot around the world. His destination list consists of the US, Venezuela, Brasil, Hawaii, Afganistan, Japan, Lake Baikal and Kamchatka. As the ex-circus acrobat he is a great entertainer and a leader, who makes with his hilarious character any trip an unforgettable adventure.

Babushka (in the center) leads the hot springs session


Sasha Baidaev, Yegor and Lisa Pahl on the top of Gumachi, the Caucasus Sasha Baidaev

A native Balkarian, grown up on the slopes of Elbrus, few people know Elbrus better then Sasha. He is a member of the Elbrus National Rescue Team Service since 1990, guided many successful Elbrus climbs to the top with American groups, the champion of Elbrus in snowbording on winter 2000. He is living in Terskol, Elbrusia. 
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On the way to the summit.

Wild Russia / Neizvedanny Mir Company
Saint Petersburg, Fontanka embankment, 59

+7 812 703-3215

+7 812 703-3216

+7 812 703-3249

