Crossing the river at Kamchatka.

About Wild Russia

"There is no doubt that travelling
provides the best education..."
Vladimir Lenin


1. We practice socially and environmentally responsible travel and are committed to treading lightly, respecting local cultures and through WILD RUSSIA, giving back to those communities we visit.

2. A top-quality adventure with top-quality professional leadership is a secret of our success. Our local guides bring every details of your experience alive, providing a deeper understanding of where you are and what you see.

3. We recognise the human need for the quiet solitude and beauty of the wilds. Wilderness is not a luxury, it's a necessity.

4. Besides the activity or destination that may prompt your interest we always keep in mind that it's the "subtext" of the trip that makes it special: the culture, language, bonding with fellow travellers and expert guides, and the flora, fauna, geology, archaeology, and more.

5. Your safety is our first priority. We take every precaution to safeguard your health and well-being. At the same time we encourage your personal growth with opportunities to meet new mental or even physical challenges.

6. We do not offer a multitude of trips, but we do offer a few extraordinary trips, which have become classical adventures. We constantly strive to improve our expeditions and are confident that you won't find better anywhere else.

Our history
Our philosophy
Our staff
Our guides
Our friends
Our customers






On the way to the summit.

Wild Russia / Neizvedanny Mir Company
Saint Petersburg, Fontanka embankment, 59

+7 812 703-3215

+7 812 703-3216

+7 812 703-3249

