of difficulty: easy (sightseeing)
cost: available on request.
The price includes: Accommodation
(3 nights in hotels B&B, 7 nights in a trains); Train
tickets Moscow-Yekaterinburg, Yekaterinburg-Irkutsk, Irkutsk-Vladivostok;
Transfers according to the itinerary.
Airplane tickets, Insurance, Visas, Tips
not included.
**Note that if you have more then 12 days,
you can continue your adventure. You can take the advantage
of the fact that Vladivostok, the end point of your journey,
provides easy access to many coastal destinations: you can
go to Kamchatka or Chukotka with Wild Russia, or we can organize
you shorter tours to some of the numerous Far East nature
reserves so that you can spent a day or two in famous Ussuriland
taiga. Optionally you can just rest in a wooden cottage and
experience true Russian banya — being one of the famous Russian
extremes, it is a real fun, especially in winter. Another
option is 14-days trip with 2 extra days on the Lake Baikal.
Also we can arrange extensions to the
route — for example, you can start from Helsinki or Saint-Petersburg.
route crosses the whole Russia from west to east, starting
from Moscow and finishing at the Japan Sea coastline.
