

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).


How to get the visa? How much does it cost? Do I need any Russian visa if there is flight connection in Moscow?

The visa can be obtained in Russia or Kazakhstan embassies in your countries and we are ready to provide a letter of invitation to support you. But the obtaining procedure is long and not so simple. Frankly speaking, the easiest way to get the Kirghiz visa is to acquire it for a month for US$75 just in the Manas aeroport in Bishkek by a verbal application without written invitation.

If you connect the flights in Moscow, please, thoroughly investigate the question about necessity of transit Russian visa (the response will depend on the current exchange aeroport regulations). In case of need we'll be able to provide double-entry transit Russian visa.


When have I to pay to your agency for the tour? What is the payment method?

The first you should do, this is to express distinctly and unambiguously your wish to take part in the expedition.Because it is on basis of those applications that we compose the group and decide to organize the expedition. Request the tour here. The tour should be paid not later than in 30 days before the date of departure to Bishkek. The payment should be sent to the bank account which will be communicated to you in the course of our e-mail exchange.


Airport tax rates? Price of luggage transportation on the Bishkek-Osh flight?

The airport tax of US$10 is applied to the Manas airport (Bishkek) only for flights outwards the Kirghizia boundaries.

15 kg of luggage are included into the Bishkek-Osh ticket price, each 1 kg in excess costs about US$0.5.


Can you send me a complete list of the necessary equipment? In particular, do we need to bring a high altitude tent for the upper camps?

Please see the information on the Gear List page.


Is there security/surveillance available at BC/Camp1 concerning unused climbing gear left in dwelling tents or in the mess tent? Can we leave there the gear during the ascension to the peak?



Basic medical service in BC? Availability of altitude-specific medical care? Is there an hyperbaric available?

A doctor can always be found out in the conglomerate of base camps on the Onion Meadow and a medical care can for sure be rendered at an emergency case.
No hyperbaric bag, but typically a rescue medical oxygen is available on the Meadow.


What are the rescue means and services? How do they proceed? Location of hospital? Who will alert them?

The rescue team is typically located in BC or Camp 1. Being informed via radio about necessity of help it climbs up with its rescue gear. Sometimes other climber groups in vicinity of the accident succour as well. If necessary the victim can be transported to the nearest hospital in the city of Osh by helicopter. It is important that the insurance would cover the helicopter.

There was an event when a German climber fell into a glacier crevasse and was injured. After his helicopter transportation to the Osh hospital, he was brought from there by a special ambulance airplane sent from the Germany to Osh.


Is there a radio link officer at BC in case of emergency?

Yes, in BC officer has radio link with Osh and Bishkek.


What are the special insurance requirements? Type of insurance attestation needed?

You should have a special climbing insurance where purposes and features of your travel would be fixed and possibility of rescue team and helicopter support would be stipulated. The rate of such an insuranse makes up ˆ30,000 and more.


Truck availability in case of early return to Osh?

Yes, the truck is available but the flight out from Osh can not be guaranteed depending on ticket availability.


For my guidance, what is porter's services cost?

3600 m to 4200 m – US$1/kg,
4200 m to 5300 m – US$7/kg,
5300 m to 6100 m – US$14/kg,
for altitudes higher than 6100 m – US$28 and more per 1 kg.


Can I stay for some extra days in Osh or Base Camp?

Yes. The cost of one extra day in Osh is US$30 per person (double-room accomodation in the hotel and three meals a day). The cost of one extra day in BC is US$25 per person.

If you have some time before or after climb Peak Lenin, we strongly recommend you to visit also the surroundings of this mafnificent summit. During such trips guests make acquaintance with the national traditions and way of life of native people and also admire the marvelous landscapes of this mountain land. It is also very good for acclimatization!

General information
Gear list
Getting there







Peak Lenin (all-inclusive)
Peak Lenin (economy)
Celestial mountains trek
Terskey-Alatau trek




Adventure Travel Kyrgyzstan

Wild Russia / Neizvedanny Mir Company
Saint Petersburg, Fontanka embankment, 59

+7 812 703-3215

+7 812 703-3216

+7 812 703-3249

